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When I was in high school I was bullied for being overweight. It was a very hard time for me because I was also being bullied by my so called “friends” at the time. The pressure I was receiving caused me to have very low self esteem which also made me feel extremely insecure. After a visit to the Doctor and a good amount of soul searching I decided to change my life for the better by embracing a healthier lifestyle. In doing so, I lost 30 kilos and surprisingly discovered a passion for health and fitness along the way.


After the successful weight loss I was still very insecure and I wasn’t yet satisfied with my body. According to the media, in order for me to be happy and beautiful, I had to have a body like a super model. Being young (and easily manipulated ) I was not aware that It was extremely unrealistic for me to reach that goal because of my curvier genetics. Therefore I was fighting a battle with myself that I would never win. Little did I know that during this pointless battle my younger sister was about to edure a real life threatening battle herself.


Sadly, when my sister was 16 years old she was diagnosed with anorexia. It was a very hard and sad time for our family because anorexia is a mental disease and recovery was no where near easy. For one year my sister barely smiled, ate or spoke. To make matters even worse, her own “friends” at school left her out, made fun of her behind her back and did nothing to give her the attention and support that she craved. It took us a while , but after a year of unconditional love and endless support, she finally recovered and she is now more healthier than ever.


Being a victim of bullying, having low self esteem and seeing my younger sister go through anorexia really broke my heart and opened my eyes to todays society and how unrealistic the “ideal body image” and “beauty” has been portrayed in the media. I had then learnt that the KEY to being beautiful and happy lies within the MIND. As long as we are living a healthy lifestyle, we are all beautiful no matter what shape or size we are. What matters the most is how we see ourselves and how we think. So, from that exact moment I promised myself that I would do anything and everything in my power to dedicate my whole life to making a change.

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